My friend Judi Fennell has an entry in the new Gather.com First Chapter Contest.
In Over Her Head is a delightful story full of humor, romance and suspense. Click Here to read her entry and vote at Gather.com. I know you'll be hooked.
Judi needs your vote to advance to the next round. The winner will receive a book deal with Simon & Schuster. You can be a part of making her dream come true, and giving the world a talented new author.
Just when you thought it was safe to fall in love...
Below is the blurb and Judi's personal message on how to vote.
As always, thanks for reading.
Donna Michaels
In Over Her Head
by Judi Fennell
When Erica Peck, one terrified-of-the-ocean marina owner, finds herself at the bottom of the sea conversing with a merman named Reel, she thinks she’s died and gone to her own version of Hell.
When the Oceanic Council demands she and Reel retrieve a lost cache of diamonds from the resident sea monster in return for their lives, she knows she’s died and gone to Hell.
When they escape the monster and end up on a deserted island, she amends her opinion - she’s died and gone to Heaven.But when Reel sacrifices himself to allow her to return to her world, she realizes that, Heaven or Hell, with Reel, she’s In Over Her Head.
A Message From Judi:
Many of you may recognize my name from the recent American Title contest or the original Gather.com/Simon & Schuster First Chapters Contest. My manuscript, Beauty and The Best, was a finalist in each of these contests - the ONLY Romance in the Top 20 of the Gather.com contest (out of over 2,600 entries from all genres of fiction).
My latest manuscript, In Over Her Head, is entered in the NEW version of the Gather.com contest, which is strictly for Romance.
Like American Idol, the Gather contest allows the public to help select the winners. Votes of 10 are the only ones that count and those entries with the most 10s advance to Round 2. There are two rounds of voting, August 27 - Sept 18 and Sept 24 - Oct 8.
Donna has been kind enough to feature my entry and I’d love for you to come check it out. The first chapter is up and awaiting your votes.
To vote:
1. Click on the link to go to my entry.
2. Click on JOIN TODAY in the upper right corner.
3. Complete the information on the left side. IMPORTANT: Write down your username and password. Password CANNOT be longer than 6 characters.
4. Click SIGN UP - IT’S FREE.
5. This will take you back to my entry. Read/page down through my entry and click on the 10 star. Be careful, because once you click on a star, your vote is registered. ONLY 10s count!! And leave a comment - Gather.com is giving out Borders gift cards for the best comment and the number of unique comments counts toward the final score!
6. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.! That’s it!Thank you so very much and I hope you enjoy Erica and Reel’s adventure! And please feel free to stop by my website to see more of my work. http://www.judifennell.com/