by Donna Michaels
20 pages-Sweet
Available now at The Wild Rose Press

Every year, during the winter solstice, a door is opened for ghosts to move on. And every year, Lucius Beamount and his ghost wife, Hattie Mae, pass up the opportunity in order to help mankind. This year is no exception. Jeff Grayson and his wife Carolyn need to be reunited for a very special reason. The bumbling fun begins when Jeff leaves L.A. to fly home to surprise his wife—who's on a plane bound for California to surprise him. Little do they know they're about to encounter some Holiday Spirit.
“You’d better get back to Jeff. How are you going to get him to L. A.?”
“I don’t know. It’ll take a Christmas miracle. You got any?”
Hattie reached across a sleeping Carolyn to place her hand over his. “That’s not my department. But I have faith in you.”
“Glad somebody does.”
“Now, Lucius, don’t start feeling sorry for yourself. You have to help that boy. Why don’t you try to assist him at the counter?”
“Oh, Ma, you don’t mean…?”
“Yes, I do. Possession.”
“Maybe you have lost your senses. I’ve kept you grounded for too long, Ma. I’m sorry.” He squeezed her hand.
“Oh now, stop talking nonsense. I haven’t lost my senses. I just happen to believe you won’t repeat that last incident. You’ve been practicing and I’m sure you’ll have better control of your motor skills.”
Thanks for reading,
Donna Michaels
Sounds intriguing, Donna. Definitely worth a read. Great blurb and excerpt.
Thank you, Lee. HS was a fun, sweet story, fitting for the Holidays.
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